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The Need for Speed:
Losing weight on the board
by: Marc A. Lefebvre
So you want to go fast. Well who doesn't! Since the beginning of time man has had the yearning to go fast, from the first wheel to super sonic jets of today. Well windsurfing falls somewhere in between these extremes of the speed spectrum when its done right. The current world speed record for sailing on a windsurfer is 45.34 knots (84.01 kph/52.21 mph) set in San Marie de la Mar, France by Thierry Bielak on April, 14, 1993. This may not sound very fast when your typical cars top speed can be between 100-150 mph, but when its just you, your board and your rig ripping across the water at 52 mph it feels like you are going 200 mph. It is much more of an intimate experience with the elements than when you are strapped into a hulking giant of a rocket.
There are two sides to the speed equation, displacing and planing. In the displacing situation your increased wetted surface area will increase your speed. Tha…
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